
Showing posts from July, 2019

Premolars and Quarter.

Yesterday I had a dentist's visit. I was surprised it didn’t scare the shit out of me. Yesterday’s agenda was checking and changing my bracket. As I was being treated, my dentist reminded me how last month’s agenda was such a deal for me. Then, I was like “Oh, it’s been a month already” . My dentist just laughed while I was busy choosing my bracket color. (Why bother busy choosing the color if I always go with black?) “See, it doesn’t hurt you at all. You already passed the not so hardest stage,” she replied I just laughed and she didn’t seem surprised by my choice of color. During the bracket changing, I was exercising my memory about last month. Last month, I was pulling off my two premolars. Two right premolars. I’ll just have them all pulled not because my teeth are bad or rotten badly. They’re perfectly fine. I was pulling off my teeth in order to work on my bracket treatment. On the notes, I already had my two left premolars being pulled out two months ago. So, my two